Our core curriculum is aligned with benchmarks established by the Michigan Department of Education, and is also aligned with Career and College-Ready skills. Our curriculum describes what our students should know and be to do in the core areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies; as well as in the areas of Fine and Performing Arts, Physical Education, Health, Technology, and World Languages. In addition to this, we offer many electives at the secondary level that integrate and enhance these various subjects.
These standards establish clear and consistent goals for learning that will prepare our students for success in college and work. Our curriculum is reviewed periodically to ensure that it is current and that student needs are being met, and revisions are made accordingly. The Board of Education approves the curriculum.
What does it mean to be Career and College-Ready? Career and college-ready students possess the skills necessary to earn a self-sustaining wage and participate in post-secondary opportunities without remediation. This means that they:
- Use technology tools strategically in learning and communicating
- Use argument and reasoning to do research, construct arguments, and critique the reasoning of others
- Communicate and collaborate effectively with a variety of audiences
- Solve problems, construct explanations, and design solutions
These characteristics of career and college-ready students are visible within all of our curriculum standards. Wayland Union Schools is committed to preparing students not just for the opportunities we know about today, but also for the economic and intellectual challenges of the future.