Comprehensive Needs Assessment
The comprehensive needs assessment is a culmination of multiple types of data that is collected over time. Wayland Union Schools uses the most recent three years of data as the benchmark to conduct trend data comparisons on an annual basis. Data will be collected, results will be analyzed and summarized, and conclusions will be drawn for identifying successes/challenges and strategies to improve all areas.
The system used to design, implement, and evaluate the comprehensive needs assessment is the district school improvement process. The district school improvement team at least once a year and building school improvement teams meet more frequently. Sign-in sheets, agenda, minutes, and all relevant resources and materials are kept on file in the Superintendent’s office. Agendas and minutes are shared with all stakeholders via Google Drive.
Stakeholder Involvement
The stakeholders involved in the comprehensive needs assessment include members from a diverse group of experiences, background and expertise to include leadership, instruction, assessment, state and federal programs, and the continuous school improvement process. Representative groups include:
- School Board Member(s)
- School Administrators
- Certified Staff
- Support Staff
- Student(s)
- Community Members
- ISD and MDE Consultants as needed
At some point throughout the school year, each of the stakeholder groups participates in the comprehensive needs assessment process by being on the district or school level improvement teams, designing and completing surveys, participating at school/district events, providing feedback regarding programs and processes, analyzing and summarizing data, etc…
Conclusions and Recommendations
Once the data is reviewed by the stakeholder groups, conclusions are drawn and plans are made to improve areas of challenge, both at the district and school levels. Areas included but not limited to formal recommendations include:
- Student needs
- Staffing needs
- Parent needs
- Curriculum needs
- Professional development needs
- Communication needs
- Facility/Technology needs
- Transportation/Food Service/Health Care needs
- Other needs as determined by the data
Data Collection
The comprehensive needs assessment is conducted annually. Prior to the formal analysis of the multiple types of data, the following data points are collected.
- Perception Data
- Programs and Process Data
- Student Achievement Data
Thank you to Belding Area Schools for creating and sharing CNA templates with state school districts, including Wayland Union Schools!