WUS Transportation Department
Thank you for your respect, kindness, and appreciation toward our awesome drivers and transportation staff.
WUS is looking for bus drivers! Routes and substitute positions available. Paid training, good pay and benefits, and a great team! Call 269 792 2262.
Bus Cancellations:
Please know that when WUS cancels a route we have looked at every option to not make that cancelation.
Important Contact Information:
WUS Transportation Department:
Phone: 269-792-2262
Email: [email protected]
Special Education Transportation- AAESA
Phone: 269-512-7790
Michigan School Bus Transportation Guidelines, Laws, and Regulations
View the Safe Schools Information
Michigan School Bus Transportation Guidelines, Laws, and Regulations
MyRide K-12
IMPORTANT: When looking for bus information please use the MyRide K-12 app, NOT the Parent Portal. Parent Portal is correct for all other school information, but MyRide K-12 is the only correct information for your bus. To view or download this app, follow the link below:
To learn more about the MyRide K-12 program, follow the link below:
Arrange Bus Transportation
New to the District?
Complete the Online Enrollment
Complete this form to arrange for student transportation for the 2024-2025 school year
Transportation for new riders may take up to 3 days to route on a bus, and during the safety freeze, it will take longer (see Safety Freeze). Additions cannot be made until the student is at the address of record – this starts the 3-day process to add to a route.
- A reminder that a student may have one drop off address and one pickup address. Due to the shortage of drivers and fewer routes, this will be strictly adhered to.
Three (3) days after requesting bus service check the Bus Information tab in the MyRide K-12 App. We will NOT give out bus stop information over the phone. Thank you for your understanding.
Moved and still in the District?
Complete this form to arrange for student transportation for the 2024-2025 school year.
Transportation changes may take up to 3 days to route on a bus, and during the safety freeze, it will take longer (see Safety Freeze). Additions cannot be made until the student is at the address of record – this starts the 3-day process to add to a route.
A reminder that a student may have one drop off address and one pickup address. Due to the shortage of drivers and fewer routes, this will be strictly adhered to.
Requesting Transportation for Next School Year (2025-2026)?
1. Complete this form to arrange for student transportation in the 2025-2026 school year.
Requesting a change for the day or a half day of school is not allowed, this includes riding a different bus home with friends/family members. Students are not permitted to be on a bus route unassigned to them. If your student will not be utilizing our transportation for the day, please call our office at (269) 792-2262.
Bus Information & Rules
Parents are responsible for the safety of their child while going to or from the school bus stop and while waiting for the bus. You should have your child at the designated bus stop at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner while at the school bus stops. The school district does not enter into disputes involving parents and/or students concerning matters that take place prior to the student boarding the school bus, or after the student has disembarked from the bus on their way home.
Reminder to Parents:
Yellow Bus Lights
The bus is about to make a stop, please slow down.
Red Bus Lights
The bus has stopped and the door is open, please stop.
Transportation schedules can be viewed using the Infinite Campus Bus Information tab.
If you feel the information is incorrect, please contact the transportation office at 269.792.2262 or email [email protected] for clarification. If you live out of the district please contact the transportation office to determine the nearest bus stop in the district to be utilized.
The Wayland Union School District wants to maintain a safe and pleasant bus-riding experience for all students. A good atmosphere while riding on the bus is conducive to the education program and is required for school bus safety.
To accomplish this objective, the Transportation Department will enforce strong discipline. The school bus is an extension of the classroom, therefore, the same behaviors are expected. Failure to observe the bus rules will interrupt a student’s bus privileges.
Anything that happens on the bus to divert the driver’s attention immediately puts the safety of the children in jeopardy. Therefore, all students riding the buses must conduct themselves in an orderly manner. The Transportation Department would appreciate each parent taking the time to review the following bus safety rules with their children:
1. Arrive at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time.
2. Obey the bus driver’s directions the first time it is given.
3. Do not eat or drink on the bus.
4. Help keep the bus clean
5. Cooperate with the bus driver. The bus driver will assign seats.
6. Stay in your seat at all times while riding the bus.
7. Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus at all times.
8. Be courteous and respectful of others.
In addition, the use of profane and abusive language or obscene gestures will not be tolerated. Such occurrences will be cause for immediate suspension of bus privileges for up to 10 days. Suspension of bus privileges includes all Wayland Union buses for the entire time of suspension. We are certain everyone understands the necessity of good student behavior and respect while aboard school vehicles. Thank you for your cooperation.
If it becomes necessary when the gravel roads are iced over, we will implement “paved roads only”.
Items not permitted in the classroom are not permitted on the bus. No athletic balls, skateboards, skis, golf clubs, or musical instruments that cannot fit on student's lap are allowed on the bus.
All book-bags or any items that students bring on the bus must be held in a student’s lap. It may be necessary to make other transportation arrangements for large and/or bulky items. Law requires that every item be held or secured under a cargo net to prevent flying material should the bus be involved in an accident.
Students are not permitted to ride a bus home that is not assigned to them, no exceptions. Bus assignments are not permitted to be changed due to half days, shortened schedules, or unforeseen circumstances. Students may only have 1 drop off and 1 pick up location, those two addresses may differ but may not change on a daily basis. If your family moved during the school year but are still in district, please visit the tab labeled "Arrange Bus Transportation" to receive an updated bus route.
Join Our Team
Are you looking for work that has a great schedule (off the same time as your children and a little time in the middle of the day to yourself)? Consider being a WUS bus driver. Great contract with many benefits. We pay to train you! Every new driver is assigned a mentor. You can even sign up for a sample drive, in a bus, on our property. Full routes and subbing positions are open!
Call 269-792-2262 or apply by selecting the link below:
Safety Freeze
A Safety Freeze is in effect for the first three weeks of every school year. During this time, no busing changes will be allowed. You must make transportation requests prior to riding the bus and WUS suggests making those arrangements as soon as you are aware that you will need bus transportation. The Transportation Department and bus drivers will not accept notes or phone calls from students or parents for any alternate bus stop requests. Requests must be made 3 days in advance unless it is related to an emergency situation at home. This allows time to process the request and communicate to the drivers the appropriate documentation for the safety of the students.
Public Notice
Video/Audio equipment may be in use at any time on WUS buses.
Transportation to and from school is offered to Wayland Union and area parochial school students who reside within the district’s boundaries each day. The safety of these children is the chief concern of the school, the transportation department, and their staff. With a fleet of 26 buses and 18 regular drivers the organization and scheduling of bus routes and student transportation is a coordinated effort.
Anything that happens on the bus to divert the driver's attention immediately puts the safety of the children in jeopardy. All students riding the buses must conduct themselves in an orderly manner. We encourage each parent to take the time to review the bus safety rules with their children. Security cameras are in use in all district buses.
Wayland Union Schools
Transportation Department
851 Wildcat Drive
Wayland, MI 49348
Office Hours: 5:30am - 5:30pm
Phone: 269-792-2262
*Best hours to call are between 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Email: [email protected]