Interior Fine Arts Center

Technical Information & Specifications

WUFAC Technical Information

The Wayland Union Fine Arts Center is available to rent for performances, corporate events, and non-profit meetings!  We also have our own in-house catering available for anything from cookies and punch to a full sit down reception.

Contact the Fine Arts Center Director for more information...

Technical Specifications

House Information
Seating Capacity:
-Orchestra section - 387
-Arena section - 413
-Total - 800
(There are 49 optional removable seats throughout the Orchestra section for additional handicap seating, with 4 rows house right removed as "pit")

House Policies:
-As the Wayland Union Fine Arts Center is on Wayland Union Schools property, use of any tobacco/vape or alcoholic products is prohibited by law, in the Center and on any District property.
-Lobby doors open 60 minutes prior to event.
-House doors open 30 minutes prior to event.
-No flash photography or filming allowed in the auditorium (unless permission given by FAC Director)
-No food or drink allowed in the Auditorium.

Stage Information
Stage Dimensions:
-Proscenium width - 47'
-Proscenium height - 22'
-Stage depth from plaster line - 35' 8"
-Full stage depth - 45' 8"
-Full stage width - 96' 5"
-SL Wing (from stage center line to wall) - 26'
-SR Wing (from stage center line to fly rail) - 23' 5"

Fly System:
-Type - Single Purchase System, Modified Full Fly
-Number of sets - 25
1 - Valance (25 oz. Black Velour, 4 pieces - 16' X 8' each)
2 - Main Traveler (25 oz. Black Velour, 2 pieces - 33' X 22' 6" each)
4 - Electric #1
6 - Border #1 (21 oz. Black Velour, 4 pieces - 18'3" X 8')
7 - Leg #1 (21 oz. Black Velour, 2 pieces - 20' X 19'6")
8 - Open (Cyclorama position for movie projection)
10 - Downstage Acoustic Shell Ceiling
13 - Border #2 (21 oz. Black Velour, 4 pieces - 18'3" X 8')
14 - 1st (Downstage) Traveler (21 oz. Black Velour, 2 pieces - 37'6" X 19'6")
16 - Electric #2
18 - Open
19 - Open
21 - Mid Stage Acoustic Shell Ceiling
23 - Border #3 (21 oz. Black Velour, 4 pieces - 18'3" X 8')
24 - 2nd (Mid-stage) Traveler (21 oz. Black Velour, 2 pieces - 37'6" X 19'6")
26 - Electric #3
28 - Scrim (Black Sharkstooth, 62' X 21')
32 - Upstage Acoustic Shell Ceiling
34 - Border #4 (21 oz. Black Velour, 4 pieces - 18'3" X 8')
35 - Leg #2 (21 oz. Black Velour, 2 pieces - 20' X 19'6")
37 - Electric #4
43 - Border #5 (21 oz. Black Velour, 4 pieces - 18'3" X 8')
45 - 3rd (Upstage) Traveler (21 oz. Black Velour, 2 pieces - 37'6" X 19'6")
46 - Cyclorama (62' X 21')
47 - Open
-Each batten is 1 1/2" schedule 40 pipe with a length of 73'
-Non-electric batten low trim is 3' with a travel of 40'9"
-Electric batten low trim is 4' with a travel of 39'9"

Audio/Visual/Lighting Information
House Sound:
-Left and Right Line Array System
4 - EAW JFL210 Line Array Speaker (each side)
1 - EAW JFL118 18' Subwoofer (each side)
-Allen & Heath SQ-7 Digital Mixing Console
40 - Direct input channels (36 input channels available via digital snake "S-Link" backstage)
4 - Stereo inputs (1 via USB)
-ETC Ion XE Console

-ProLights Full Spectrum

-ETC Source 4WRD:
6 - 10 Degree (Spot booth location in rep.)
25 - 19 Degree (5 extra lens tubes)
21 - 26 Degree
1 - 36 Degree (lens tube)
10 - 50 Degree
5 - 25-50 Degree Jr. Zoom
26 - PAR (Very Narrow Spot, Narrow Spot, Medium & Wide Flood Lenses are available)