November 4, 2024
Annual Christmas Card Contest

Read the post for more information!
Please spread the word! We are looking for submissions of student artwork for this year's district Christmas card.
Here are the details:
- Original artwork should be submitted on a plain (no lines) 8-/12 x 11 sheet of paper.
- Crayon, markers, colored pencils work best. No embellishments please (glitter, beads, etc) as it won't reproduce on the printed card.
- Electronic submissions are welcome as long as it is the student's original work.
- Please, no use of copyrighted characters like Snoopy, Marvel characters, etc. as we are not allowed to reproduce these.
- Please have the student write their name, grade and building ON THE BACK of the artwork. If their name is on the front it is difficult to reproduce the artwork cleanly.
- All artwork must be submitted to your school office by November 25, 2024. The winner will be notified soon after Thanksgiving break.
The student who has their artwork selected will be recognized at the December 9th board meeting.
Thanks for your help in spreading the word! We are always excited to see what the talented students of Wayland Union Schools come up with!