Digital Learning Day
On Thursday, February 15th, teachers across the district utilized technology in their classrooms to celebrate Digital Learning Day! Let’s celebrate the different ways technology can support our students' education.
To celebrate Digital Learning Day, Ms. Hurni's class and Mrs. Stone's students worked hard to research and begin creating their very own nonfiction book. Pebble Go is a great resource for students to access age-appropriate information about their research topic!
Mrs. Onken’s students used their AAC devices to discuss their favorite things to do at recess in the snow. AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device. Our students who need accessibility supports like an AAC are able to use features of the iPad to support them in their classrooms.
Students in Mrs. Nykerk’s classroom utilized their iPads for a reading workshop. Students had the opportunity to work on IXL, Lexia, Reading Eggs Lessons, EPIC, or RAZ Kids. All of these resources can be tailored to meet a student where they are, meaning those needing extra support or those with advanced skills can all be accommodated!
Similarly, students in Mrs. Gonzales’ first grade class at Dorr Elementary used IXL for individualized practice in reading. IXL allows teachers and students to customize what they are working on based on the skills that they need and are ready for. This is another example of how WUS leverages technology to meet the individual needs of students.
Lastly, students in Mrs. Howard’s middle school computer classes have been working on a program called the Digital Readiness Pathway. This program teaches students skills such as using online tools, navigating common software, digital citizenship, keyboarding, and information literacy. In addition to the students in Mrs. Howard's class, our Y5–5th grade students complete this pathway during their weekly media class.
Technology can be used in all sorts of ways. We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about the different ways technology is included in our curriculum! Happy Digital Learning Day!